
  • SMART grids and its application in sustainable cities

    Inter American Development Bank (IADB)

    The Energy Division of the Infrastructure and Environment Sector (INE/ENE) of the Inter-American Development Bank has launched a technical cooperation project called "Smart Grid and Its Application in Sustainable Cities" to aid countries in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region. This technical note describes smart grid system elements, indicates their costs and benefits, discusses the smart grid initiative in Korea, and includes the case study of the Korean Jeju Island test bed. The publication assesses the possibilities to transfer and implement these strategies in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) cities and discusses ongoing experiences in the region.

  • Accelerating building efficiency

    World Resources Institute (WRI)

    Nearly 70 percent of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050. Buildings form the fabric of these rapidly growing urban landscapes. Architectural designs, construction practices, and technologies are available today that minimize energy and resource use in buildings and optimize the benefits to people of high performance—cleaner air, more comfortable homes and workspaces, and lower utility bills. And improved building efficiency is a win for city leaders and local planners: every $1 invested in efficiency saves $2 in new power plants and electricity distribution costs.

  • Good urban governance through ICT

    World Bank

    This report aims to: 1) synthesize the role currently played by ICT towards improved governance, management and accountability of urban service providers in Africa as well as other regions, 2) explore current ICT initiatives that are relevant to the World Bank's thematic concerns, 3) reconcile existing deficiencies/barriers towards potential for replication, and 4) develop a roadmap to render easy strategy implementation by project teams. 

  • Open Data: an introductory, practical guide for solutions


    This report is meant to provide an introductory overview of common issues faced by cities with respect to Open Data. The underlying framework of the research is elaborated by the ITPP research team based on two dimensions: the key players of the Open Data environment, including citizens, businesses and the government, and three phases of Open Data initiatives, such as preparation, implementation and impact. The final report analyzes some of the most common challenges faced by the stakeholders when implementing Open Data projects and offers practical and useful solutions for tackling those challenges. 

  • UN e-government survey 2016

    United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)

    The United Nations E-Government Survey 2016: E-Government in Support of Sustainable Development was launched in July 2016. It offers a snapshot of trends in the development of e-government in countries across the globe.