Title: Valencia Smart City Platform - Spain
Location: Valencia, Spain
Categories: City experience
Population: 1,500,000 | HDI: 0.86 | Annual budget: None | Expenditure per capita: None | Source of the socio-economic indicators: None
valencia header2

Date Published: July 24, 2017, 11:29 a.m.


n 2014, the Valencia City Council has launched the Valencia Smart City Platform (VLCi Platform) through the InnDEA Foundation. The initiative enables the city to centralize information on municipal services thanks to the use of a technological solution developed in partnership with Telefonica I+D, and based on the European Fi-Ware standard. The VLCi Platform works towards SMART municipal service management and positions Valencia as the first Spanish city to have an integral Smart City management platform based on cloud services.The Platform compiles key indicators of city management and urban services; offers transparency to citizens; increases the efficiency of municipal services; measures their impact in the quality of life of citizens and allows for the comparison between cities using similar tools. The VLCi aims to improve and rationalize the governance model and encourage a greater participation of civil society, organizations and companies in municipal service provision. The Platform software is based on 350 indicators that monitor and integrate data on municipal services such as traffic; street lighting, gardens, local police, levels of pollution, waste collection and weather. Information is collected thanks to a variety of devices spread around the city such as sensors installed on buses or street-lamps and individual smartphones. The collected data is distributed to municipal services and made available to entrepreneurs who are invited to develop applications to improve public service management within a logic of open data policies. Eventually, the Platform will allow for the integrated management of public resources and contribute to an increased efficiency in various areas such as transport, energy and environmental services.

Profile of the City


Services of the Platform

How does it work? Data collection, processing and distribution

Implementation process


Financial information


Limitations and difficulties

Transferability: key elements for success
