Title: Tax on terraces - Sousse, Tunisia
Location: Sousse, Tunisia
Categories: City experience
Population: 250,000 | HDI: 0.0 | Annual budget: None | Expenditure per capita: None | Source of the socio-economic indicators: None

Date Published: Aug. 1, 2017, 7:30 p.m.


ith the aim of improving fiscal revenue, the municipality of Sousse established a partnership with a local start up to develop a series of IT products able to improve the collection of the tax on terraces. The services include: A satellite-based digital map of the city; A database with the geo-localization of the terraces and information on the owners; An IT program that helps coordinate tax collection and the organization of control missions. Operational since July 2015, the project has helped to update the localization of the terraces and in particular identify informal ones. Before the project started, the City had registered over 700 terraces, now this number has tripled and reached a total of 2147. The application has also changed the management of the department responsible for collecting the fees, reducing the recovery time and increasing the number of notices distributed per day. The project is expected to increase municipal revenues in this area by 20% in 2015.

Background information

Services of the project


Design and implementation

Financial information


Limits and difficulties

Transferability: elements for success and lessons learned