Title: Smart Santander - Spain
Location: Santander, Cantabria, Spain
Categories: City experience
Population: 176,000 | HDI: 0.869 | Annual budget: None | Expenditure per capita: None | Source of the socio-economic indicators: None
Santander Case study header

Date Published: July 25, 2017, 11:02 a.m.


n 2009, the City of Santander initiated the Project SmartSantander with the aim to transform Santander into a ‘Smart City’ by drawing on new technologies to improve public service provision and to enhance citizen participation. The Municipality installed 20,000 devices throughout the city in collaboration with the European Union, the University of Cantabria and the private sector. The devices, mainly sensors, collect urban data such as the level of air and soil humidity, noise levels, free parking lots, level of filling of garbage containers, water consumption, among others. In continuation, the data is sent to a common platform where it is analyzed and bundled before being transmitted to the corresponding municipal services. The information obtained in this way allows for a more efficient management of water, energy, resources, urban mobility, waste, etc., and facilitates the access to information of commercial and touristic utility.


Implementation: new technologies for more efficient service provision

Implementation: enhance innovation and entrepreneurship


Financial information

Results and impacts

Limitations and challenges

Transferability: elements for success and lessons learned
