Title: Public Policy of Transparency for Bogota (PPTB), Integrity and No-Tolerance with Corruption
Location: Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia
Categories: None
Population: 8,300,000 | HDI: 0.71 | Annual budget: None | Expenditure per capita: None | Source of the socio-economic indicators: None
Bogota Colombia

Date Published: April 4, 2019, 9:15 a.m.


he Veeduría Distrital is an independent preventive control agency that analyses and seeks to prevent administrative inefficiencies and corruption risks in the city of Bogota. Public Policy of Transparency for Bogota (PPTB), Integrity and No-Tolerance with Corruption, is the first of its kind in the country and the region, it aims to address the institutional weaknesses, prevent, investigate and sanction corrupt practices that involve the public, private actors and citizens. The main problem and the context in which the PPTB was enabled, was a process managed by the District’s administration in which indicators of corruption were gathered from the city of Bogota. The information indicated high levels of corruption from the public servants which generated institutional weaknesses. After analyzing the information with other monitoring agencies and with the aim of strengthening institutional structures and the trust if citizens in the District’s institutions, the PPTB was designed along other actors in order to reach the best solution for the problematic. One major constraint in its construction was the disparity in criteria and analysis presented by different actors on the subject. Several studies by actors in the public and private sector are not often updated. This aspect made it difficult to compare between relevant information and the possibility of monitoring other indicators in order to establish a baseline. However, the policy drew information based on four working areas, allowing for a more detailed study of standards and to draw not only from empirical studies but also from gathering data based on perception studies and different focus groups. The policy also determines critical areas where new information needed to be constructed. Actions on this regard were included in the fourth objective of the policy.


Implementation Stages


