Title: Open Data policy - Porto Alegre, Brazil
Location: Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Categories: City experience
Population: 1,500,000 | HDI: 0.805 | Annual budget: None | Expenditure per capita: None | Source of the socio-economic indicators: None
Porto Alegre - Open Data policy

Date Published: July 28, 2017, 3:22 p.m.


ith the aim to enhance transparency and citizen participation in public administration, the municipality of Porto Alegre created PoAdigital, a working unit with the mission to coordinate the municipality’s online communication and to increase the efficiency of the interactions with the community using SMART technologies, in 2013. The flagship project of the municipality is DataPoA, a program based on Open Data that provides specific and detailed data on mobility, health, education, environment, public budgets, tourism, businesses and urban property, among others, to the public. The aim of DataPoA is to involve the population in the services provided by the city and to enhance the development of SMART solutions to urban problems based on the information provided on the platform in order to improve the quality of municipal services. Data gathered on DataPoA can be used as primary source for hackers, students, developers, entrepreneurs, and businessperson who are interested in creating online platforms, apps and softwares that works towards improving the quality of life in the city. In this way, DataPoa seeks to incentivize innovation and entrepreneurship, resulting in the creation of new businesses (startups). Since 2013, the municipality has organized several Hackatons that resulted in the creation of more than 30 apps based on 60 data sets. Among others, these apps allow to localize busses in the city region, determine their occupation rate, identify the closest health post, and to plan journeys by car, public transport or bicycle.


Objectives: Innovation and Open Data

Implementation: partnering with private companies

Financial information and project sustainability


Limitations and difficulties

Key elements of success
