Title: ‘Patio Digital’ Initiative: fostering innovation and collaboration in Sao Paulo’s Public Education Policy through open data and transparency
Location: São Paulo
Categories: None
Population: None | HDI: 0.0 | Annual budget: None | Expenditure per capita: None | Source of the socio-economic indicators: None

Date Published: April 30, 2018, 1:02 p.m.


atio Digital [‘Digital Schoolyard’] is an initiative led by Sao Paulo City Department of Education which implements an open government policy through three interconnected components: (i) Transparency and Open Data; (ii) Government and Society Collaboration and (iii) Technological Innovation. It was launched in April 2017 in alliance with UNESCO in Brazil.At the 1-year mark, Patio Digital has managed to significantly increase the levels of active transparency of the education policies, making this Department the first in the open data portal rank in the City Hall. Citizens are engaged in all the open data life cycle, from developing a collaborative Open Data Plan to prototyping and building tools with open source community support. Open data subjects include transportation, childcare center openings, evaluation, infrastructure and other topics of interest. With its ‘Open Innovation Cycle’, Patio Digital engages different actors in the process of creating new digital services and tools designed for and by families, students, teachers. The first completed Cycle delivered a transparency platform for schools’ meals, where families and students can check planned menus – an unprecedent information disclosure in the Brazilian landscape. The process also resulted in the first chat bot of the City Hall, “Edu Bot”, which provides information to families. It applies to all the city territory, at municipal level.Approximately 1 million enrolled students and their families and 60,000 teachers will be impacted by the project. 

Main stakeholders

Project duration


Financial information

Results and impacts

Barriers and Challenges

Lessons learned / transferability

