Title: A More Clarified Community, A More Participative Community
Location: Valongo, Portugal
Categories: None
Population: None | HDI: 0.0 | Annual budget: None | Expenditure per capita: None | Source of the socio-economic indicators: None

Date Published: May 7, 2018, 2:19 p.m.


he practice or project “A More Clarified Community, a More Participative Community” consists of several tools and actions that have been developed throughout the past four years with the objective to promote direct participation and involvement of the citizen. Within this event, we intend to focus on three of the initiatives developed under the umbrella of “A More Clarified Community, a More Participative Community”, namely the “Know How Much it Costs”, “Tá Claro” and “Participatory Youth Budget of Valongo”, but which all focus on the same principle and objective, starting from online platforms, where information related to the projects, be it financial or processual, is available for consultation and discussion. Transparency sheets on the usage of the municipal budget, stand-point of processes, and education on topics related to democracy, citizenship and the function and organization of the local authority are all available online. As elected representatives of the citizens, it is important that we keep in pace with new communication platforms; by having these online platforms available in an accessible and objective manner, citizens are encouraged to participate in the local decision-making, stay informed throughout all stages of the processes, find their voice and contribute to their community. 

Project area

Main stakeholders

Project duration


Financial information

Results and impact

Barriers and challenges

Lessons learned / transferability

