Title: Interview Victor Gancel - Climate KIC
Location: Paris, France
Categories: Case study

Hub Cities

Population: 1 | HDI: 1.0 | Annual budget: None | Expenditure per capita: None | Source of the socio-economic indicators: None
KIC climateEng

Date Published: July 4, 2017, 11:19 a.m.


he Climate-KIC is one of three Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) created in 2010 by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT); a European Union body whose mission is to create sustainable growth. Climate-KIC addresses climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Low Carbon City Lab (LoCaL) is a Climate-KIC programme that aims to bridge the climate-funding gap for cities by providing cities and investors with training, project preparation, investment mechanisms and impact assessment tools. Since 2015, LoCaL has built a portfolio of 13 projects and created a collaborative ecosystem of more than 30 Climate-KIC partners, cities and international initiatives.

1. From your point of view, how fighting climate change can have positive impacts on the environment and on local governments´ finances?

2. How can local governments use SMART technologies to implement policies that will fight climate change and reduce municipal expenses?

3. Could you mention a few activities of under the Low Carbon City Lab programme on these topics?

4. In your opinion, what are the main obstacles and challenges encountered by local governments to use SMART technologies to fight climate change?

5. What recommendations would you give to local governments? What are the key elements that ensure the success of such projects?

