Title: Interview Erwan Lequentrec - Orange Labs
Location: Paris, France
Categories: Interview

Hub Cities

Population: 1 | HDI: 1.0 | Annual budget: None | Expenditure per capita: None | Source of the socio-economic indicators: None
Interview Erwan Lequentrec - Orange Labs

Date Published: July 26, 2017, 9:22 p.m.


bout Orange and Orange Labs – Orange is a French telecommunications company with 250 million customers worldwide in 2016. The group is either leader or the second operator in 75% of European countries and in 80% of African and Middle East countries where it operates. Orange Labs is the research and development division of the group focusing on SMART cities, mobile payments, content aggregation, mobile connections, services and applications, and SMART grids. Orange Labs network has more than 5000 employees in 18 centres.

1. In your opinion, how can local governments use SMART technologies to increase municipal revenue or decrease expenses?

2. How can the private sector work with local governments to improve municipal revenue and decrease expenses thanks to the use of SMART technologies?

3. In your opinion, what are the main obstacles and challenges encountered by local governments to use SMART technologies to improve municipal finances?

4. What recommendations would you give to local governments that wish to use SMART technologies to positively impact municipal revenue?
