Title: Geographic Information System (GIS) and revenue increase - Cartago, Costa Rica
Location: Cartago Province, Cartago, Costa Rica
Categories: Case study
Population: 500,000 | HDI: 0.77 | Annual budget: None | Expenditure per capita: None | Source of the socio-economic indicators: None
Geographic Information System (GIS) and revenue increase - Cartago

Date Published: July 28, 2017, 3:40 p.m.


he case study shows how the city of Cartago, in Costa Rica, uses its Geographic Information System (GIS) to improve municipal management and particularly regarding municipal finances. It showcases the specific example of how the GIS has assisted the municipality in improving its transit fines system, thus increasing its efficiency, the revenue collected and improved transit management.


Implementation and structure of the GIS in Cartago

Functionalities of the GIS

Parking and transit fines

GIS and municipal finances

Challenges and recommendations
