Title: Euro-Mediterranean Smart City Innovation Centres
Location: Nice, France
Categories: None
Population: None | HDI: 0.0 | Annual budget: None | Expenditure per capita: None | Source of the socio-economic indicators: None
nice 3

Date Published: May 9, 2018, 8:16 a.m.


Smart City Innovation Centre is a platform involving local authorities, research and academic institutions, as well as leading smart city-related companies, with the aim of allowing these actors to pool their data and knowledge in a single location, thereby multiplying opportunities to develop smart urban services and solutions. In a first phase, the project will aim at implementing Smart City Innovation Centres in accordance with the specific environment and socio-economic needs of each participating country. Building upon and capitalizing on the results of the first phase, the project foresees a second phase, aiming at creating a network of Euro-Mediterranean Smart City Innovation Centres, composed of tandems between Northern and Southern Mediterranean cities, operating as a platform for smart-city stakeholders - such as local authorities, research and academic institutions, non-governmental organizations supporting innovation, public service enterprises and innovative start-up companies - to exchange knowledge and best practices towards fostering sustainable, innovative, energy efficient, and inclusive cities in implementation of the UfM Urban Agenda objectives.

Project Area

Population impacted by the project

Main stakeholders

Project duration

Financial information

Results and impact

Lessons learned / transferability

