Title: Digital platform for urban management at Sèmè-Podji Municipal Council
Location: Sèmè-Kpodji, Bénin
Categories: None
Population: None | HDI: 0.0 | Annual budget: None | Expenditure per capita: None | Source of the socio-economic indicators: None
bénin 2

Date Published: May 11, 2018, 10:08 a.m.


n order to arbitrate its urbanization choices, to respond to the requests of its citizens and to anticipate changes, the city of Sèmè-Podji in Benin set up an urban management solution to collect, process and manage data (education and health, finance, socio-economic indicators, infrastructure, roads, tourism ...) of its territory. Bellow are described the innovations which have been key to the success of the Wexity platform: Exhaustivity of urban themesMulti-usersUltrafast implementation (ready to use)No specific IT infrastructure required (simple internet access is sufficient)Simplicity of useSmartdata tool (a report in 3 clicks)Automatic calculation of the urban profileFlood risk management moduleOpen APIs to vertical initiatives of Smartcities (IoT urban) In a few weeks the data was available on Wexity, and the municipal council was able to launch analyze, and generate reports.Wexity has become the decision aid tool and communication tool of the town hall. Wexity is now ready to support all data from Smartcity's specific initiatives.

Project area

Population size

Main stakeholders

Project duration


Financial information

Results and impact

Barriers and challenges

Lessons learned / transferability

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