Title: Datacity by NUMA, Scale Solutions for Cities
Location: Paris, France
Categories: None

Hub Cities

Population: 1 | HDI: 1.0 | Annual budget: None | Expenditure per capita: None | Source of the socio-economic indicators: None
numa reader

Date Published: May 17, 2018, 12:09 p.m.

DataCity is the ultimate response for cities to accelerate innovation through collaboration. DataCity is a global open innovation program that brings together cities, companies, and startups to address together city challenges and develop solutions to build sustainable and efficient cities, using data and technologies. The program was created in 2015 by NUMA, in partnership with the City of Paris. After three seasons in Paris, DataCity's goal is to keep building viable and replicable businesses on a large scale through public and private datasets.

Project area

Main stakeholders

Project starting and ending date


Financial information

Results and impact

