Title: Caracas in a Click - Venezuela
Location: Caracas, Capital District, Venezuela
Categories: City experience
Population: 3,500,000 | HDI: 0.73 | Annual budget: None | Expenditure per capita: None | Source of the socio-economic indicators: None

Date Published: Aug. 2, 2017, 12:23 p.m.


hen elaborating the Strategic Plan of the City, the Metropolitan Municipality of Caracas has encountered an increased need to make information rapidly available to the different governmental entities and institutions that were supposed to provide solutions to the challenges of the city. It is in this context that the idea to create Caracas in a click is born. In 2009, IMUTC developed the Metropolitan Urban Information System (SIUM) in a technological platform consisting of the Metropolitan Geographic Information System (SIG-MET) and its public platform, named Caracas in a Click, placing at the disposal of the Public, information of diverse nature through interactive web maps, accessible from any personal computer or mobile device.Caracas in a click is a component of the Metropolitan Urban Information System (SIUM), an easily accessible online tool that allows accessing, visualizing and disseminating information on the Metropolitan Area of Caracas. Its objective is to constitute a citizen-oriented instrument that provides the users with geo-referenced information on the city, and the activities, programs and projects developed by the Metropolitan Municipality and the integrated municipalities. The tool shall promote citizen participation, support the administration and facilitate efficient and well-informed decision-making.

Profile of the City

Background and context



How does it work?


Financial information


Limits and difficulties

Transferability: elements for success and lessons learned
