Title: Connecting the disconnected - Agra, India
Location: Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
Categories: Case study

Hub Cities

Population: 2,000,000 | HDI: 0.0 | Annual budget: None | Expenditure per capita: None | Source of the socio-economic indicators: None
AGRA cse

Date Published: Aug. 2, 2017, 12:38 p.m.


he initiative 'connecting the disconnected’ was launched in 2014 and is led by the Indian NGO CURE and supported by the Metropolis Network over a period of three years until 2017. It is designed to empower the people to connect to their city government, and between themselves in order to improve their living conditions and environment. The main goal of the project is to use mobile technologies to increase the participation of marginalized communities living in slums in the decision making process at the municipal government level. The initiative is in this sense a Smart Project for the ‘less smart’ and the less well-connected segments of society and it seeks to reimagine how the poor and marginalized can be partners in the process of city development. The pilot is being tested in 15 low-income settlements representing over 8,000 households (nearly 50,000 people). CURE is capitalizing on the mobile and other social media technologies and skills available among the poor people to implement a citywide slum-upgrading program. The project uses mobile media technologies to build “new commons” and a digital interface between the people and the municipality to achieve four things:generate people’s data on the availability, access and quality of municipal services in their areas;simplify, analyse and share the data simultaneously with the city officials and all households in the neighbourhood;determine community and city priorities and neighbourhood level solutions;promote shared implementation of sustainable slum upgrading solutions.The use of smart tools will also address challenges of exclusion, micro designing, variance, institutional coordination, and tracking and measuring change. If successful, the outcomes of the pilot will be up-scaled across Agra’s 432 settlements and replicated in other Indian cities.

Profile of the City of Agra

Background information on CURE

Goals, scope and methodology

Implementation process

Financial information


Limitations and difficulties

Transferability: key elements for success
