
FEMULP - Federación de Municipios Libres del Perú
Name: FMULP - Federation of Municipalities of Peru
Location: Ate, Peru

Date Published: June 19, 2017, 9:46 a.m.

The Federation of Free Municipalities of Peru , is formed under the protection of the Political Constitution of Peru, the Organic Law of Municipalities, and the Civil Code.

The organic nature of FEMULP , with the explicit purpose of joining Municipalities of Peru to establish inter - cooperation and municipal solidarity ties between them and their counterparts in other countries, allows them to exercise the capacity of direct representation before the State's governing bodies. Peruvian, and other regional and world municipal bodies, second and third level.

The main objectives of the organization include 

  • Promotion of autonomy and municipal unity within the framework of the Peruvian State.
  • Representation and defense of the general interests of the municipalities before public and private, national and foreign administrations.
  • Promotion practices of solidarity and brotherhood between Peruvian and with their counterparts in other countries municipalities.
  • Provision of technical and training services to municipalities, associations of municipalities, municipal companies and other sectors of the municipal environment.
  • Promotion of local development projects of common interest under commonwealth forms
  • Collaboration and agreement with the Regional Governments of the country.
  • Support to international associationism , actively participating in municipal entities of higher level.