
Federation of Colombian Municipalities (FCM - Colombia)
Name: FCM - Federation of Colombian Municipalities, Colombia
Location: Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia
Federation of Colombian Municipalities (FCM - Colombia)

Date Published: June 19, 2017, 10:06 a.m.

The Colombian Federation of Municipalities (FCM) is a private and non-profit institution that represents the municipalities, districts and their associations in the formulation, concertation and evaluation of public policies. It defends and promotes decentralization, autonomy, democracy and local governance. The FCM articulates international efforts, nationals, sub-nationals, public and private for the integral reforcement of the management of municipal governments, districts and associations and formulates, manages and executes projects of public interest for the ones that it represents, which contribute to the generation of stable conditions for the peace, the weel-being of the communities and sustainable development.


The Colombian Federation of Municipalities has been a pioneer in the application of technologies to the local public administration in Colombia. We want to face the new challenges of our local representatives when it comes to the building of intelligent cities, municipalities and territories, innovative and sustainable. That's why we are trying to create solutions to the urban issues and respond to social problems, with the innovation and efficient use of the ICT in the territorial management.